
Showing posts from February, 2018

Day 41 of 80 Day Obsession

Here is my quick check-in for today - Day 41! We were on to Total Body Core again, with 10 reps and each set repeated immediately for three times. I've said it before, this is my favorite way of going through the reps. You really fatigue whatever muscles you're working on, and then move on to the next thing. This workout does work the core, but I really also felt my arms and shoulders today! This may have become my favorite workout of Phase Two. Unfortunately this Wednesday was not a refeed day - that happens only every other week. I rewarded myself with some new leggings for sticking with it through 40 days! Nothing like a new outfit to motivate you at 5 a.m., right? Post workout meal came out especially colorful today. Sweet potatoes, spinach and mushrooms, scrambled eggs, all sautéed in a little grapeseed oil. Add a small banana to it, and you have covered your yellow, green, red and purple containers, plus a teaspoon. Tomorrow is leg day again! I think t

Day 40 of 80 Day Obsession

Woohoo, halfway mark! We made it! Workout #40 is in the books. It feels good, but it's also only a stepping stone to day 80 and beyond. Today's workout was Cardio Core, which is a favorite of mine. I felt quite strong today, and with this workout being at only 40 minutes, it goes by quite fast. Lot's of hopping and getting your heart rate up during the HIIT intervals, and then of course the core burnout at the end. So, time to take stock at this halfway mark. I'm down five pounds during the program, and almost 15 since November of last year. I'm very pleased with my results. I don't know if the pictures show it all that well yet, but I feel stronger, leaner and energized. This whole program has definitely reinvigorated my love for at-home workouts! Autumn explained today in our coach test group that phase two is a building phase. With that in mind, I can't wait to see what phase three will bring! But first, we have two and a half more w

Day 39 of 80 Day Obsession

Almost at the halfway point! Today is day 39 of 80 of 80 Day Obsession. And it was Booty day again, which is always a favorite. This week we move to repeating each small set of 10 reps three times. I like this pattern better than going through all sets and then repeating two more times. There's less up and down and switching of loops and weights. Booty is always a great workout, and I especially had a lot of fun in the new leggings my hubby got me! Heart butt! I went up in weights again today, which felt great. This workout was again 60 minutes long. Yesterday was rest day and meal prep day, and Saturday had been Day 38 and Cardio Flow day. Just like last week, we did the six-rep pattern again. I felt a bit stronger than the week before, so that was nice! I kept meal prep pretty simple, and prepared ground turkey taco meat, chicken and quinoa for salads. Oh, and some brownies for other members of the family! Here's a snack from the weekend - another nice, fil

Day 37 of 80 Day Obsession

It's hard to believe we've made it to day 37 already! Today was AAA's turn again, a solid 60 minutes, which actually took maybe five minutes longer for me, because I had to pause a few times. I couldn't always switch bands and weights fast enough! This workout feels a little disjointed to me with all the up and down and back and forth, and I think next week's pattern of repeating each set for three times will actually work much better. That said, I got a good sweat and workout as always with this one. Tonight we had a Hello Fresh meal for dinner. You can make a lot of these work quite well for the meal plan. This one was the Tex-Mex Tilapia. I left the sour cream crema off mine, and it was still really yummy. Some couscous as my "yellow" tonight, that was a nice change of pace too, with some cilantro and lime juice in it. In the video above, you'll see the mule kick-back move with the loop. Well, in round three my loop busted! Scared the cr

Day 36 of 80 Day Obsession

Day 36 was Leg Day, and post-refeed day! The idea of refeed day was to refill our sugar levels from eating some of these "dirty" carbs, and I did feel like I had more energy than usual for this leg day. It seems like a lot of people in the challenge group felt the same. We all went heavy and killed it! I'm maxing out my weights here at 52 lbs for the sumo squat! This is maybe my favorite workout of Phase Two. It is a bit shorter at 40 minutes, and the way it combines the heavy weights and the sliders just really tires out the legs wonderfully. I think next week, when we move to the pattern where we repeat each set of moves three times in a row is going to be quite the challenge! Here's the gang. I love working out with these people every day! You feel like you're part of the team. This is my favorite lunch at the moment. Lettuce, a mix of brown rice and black beans for my "yellow", avocado, ground turkey with taco spices, a bit of dressi

Days 34 and 35 of 80 Day Obsession

Today, day 35 of 80 Day Obsession, was a very special day. Refeed day! From now on, every two weeks before leg day, we replace all our "clean yellows" with "dirty yellows" for the day. This meant a waffle along with my superfood shake today (instead of oats in the shake). My other favorite meal was having an English muffin with my post-workout meal instead of sweet potatoes. It was nice to switch it up! Today's workout was Total Body Core. This one has some complex compound movements, but it was easier to follow this week, the second time around. This was an hour-long workout, applying the 10-rep, 3-round pattern again. I really enjoy this workout a lot. You feel like you've worked every muscle in your body. Yesterday's workout was Cardio Core, which I did, but didn't have time to post about! I had a good time with that one as well, as I felt like I was getting stronger with it - even though the ab sequence at the end still hurt!

Days 32 and 33 of 80 Day Obsession

All right, week six is kicked off with Booty! This is a great workout to start out the week, because it's challenging and you really feel like you're working hard. But let's back up first! Friday was day 32, and it was time for Cardio Flow again, only with six reps of everything, over and over again, instead of four. It was a challenge last Friday, but I got it done. It didn't feel like my best performance, that's for sure, but sometimes you just have to buckle down and do it! Some stretching was sorely needed and felt great after. Sunday was rest day and, as always, meal prep day. We smoked some proteins on the Traeger, which came out really delicious. Preparing for the week is so important so you don't get caught off guard and end up eating something crappy! Ribs and chicken, green beans, sweet potatoes, brown rice After that it was time for an Epsom salt bath. I'd never tried one before. It was relaxing for sure, but almost too much! It

Day 31 of 80 Day Obsession

Day 31! Woohoo! I made a mess today! I think my dog disapproves. LOL, today's workout required all the equipment -  weights, map, sliders, bands. I really enjoyed it a lot. This was the first time for Phase Two AAA (arms, abs, a$$), and like all the other workouts this week, it stepped it up a notch. It was 60 minutes long, but went by very quickly. We did 15 reps again with the same type of slow-fast movement pattern we had in Phase 1. Then each slow/fast move was followed by 15 fast reps of a different move to burn out the muscles. I've mentioned it before, but I'm just feeling really good and strong in my new meal plan bracket. Food is fuel, for sure, and it feels like I'm fueling my body just right at the moment. Thanks for visiting! Contact me if you want to find out more about the workouts I do, the nutrition plan I follow or the shakes and workout fuel I drink! Please check out my link here:  Learn more  

Day 30 of 80 Day Obsession

Look at that! Day 30! I can't believe we've made it this far already. And today was leg day, whoop! This was, of course, our first time doing Phase Two leg day, and I have to say, I really liked the workout. It was hard, but not crushingly so. We did a move with weights for 15 reps, then followed by a slider move for 15 to really burn out the muscle. Did I mention those sliders are evil and awesome at the same time?! I have been quite busy at work, so I feel bad for sitting so much for the entire rest of my day, it seems like (plus watching some Olympics at night!), but I'm glad I'm getting these workouts in. This one was only around 40 minutes and had a surprise bonus move at the end! Feeling good! Thanks for visiting! Contact me if you want to find out more about the workouts I do, the nutrition plan I follow or the shakes and workout fuel I drink! Please check out my link here:  Learn more  

Day 29 of 80 Day Obsession

Happy Valentine's Day! My cat seemed to like my flowers this morning. Today's workout was quite hard! While they've all been a step up from phase one, this one REALLY cranked it up. Total Body Core, one hour long, 15 reps, and lots of compound moves. It was a workout for the body and the brain! I made it through, but I definitely wore the right shirt for today. I have a feeling I'm going to be sore tomorrow, and it's leg day, yikes! Here is the set of moves from the first round. It only got crazier from there. I'll have to capture more next week! I hope you all have a happy Valentine's Day and are able to hug your loved ones a little closer tonight. Thanks for visiting! Contact me if you want to find out more about the workouts I do, the nutrition plan I follow or the shakes and workout fuel I drink! Please check out my link here:  Learn more  

Day 28 of 80 Day Obsession

It's day 28, and today I got to experience the new phase two Cardio Core. This workout again has us do three minutes of cardio (30 seconds low intensity, 30 seconds high) and then a core move. At the end, all core moves are repeated one more time for a final burnout. I really liked this workout! It was about 45 minutes long and definitely challenging, with room for improvement in the next three weeks. Here are some of the moves. So far the workouts definitely have all raised the bar a bit over phase one, but not so much to be totally intimidating or where you feel like you're starting all over again. I'm excited for the new Total Body workout tomorrow. And also I'm still so happy with my Plan C food! It seems like I can actually feel it fueling my body just right for these workouts now. Lunch Dinner This morning I had my little coach visiting me. Love it when she stops by! Although once the stretching starts, all she wants to do is lick my sweaty le

Day 26 and 27 of 80 Day Obsession

Today kicked off Phase Two of 80 Day Obsession! I'm excited for all new workouts this week. Last week finished out Phase One with Cardio Flow on Saturday, and I did feel a bit stronger than the weeks before. Cardio Flow will stay with us through Phase Two, with six reps of everything instead of four. But on to new things! The order of the workouts gets moved around as well, and so we started off the week today with Booty. This new Booty workout definitely kicked it up a notch. It is 60 minutes long and employed bands and weights. The moves get a bit more complex and compound. It's a really fun workout that will make your buns burn! Today was two sets all the way through with 15 reps again. The other exciting thing that happened today is that I moved up a bracket to eat at level C going forward. Check out my nice lunch! I got to add a yellow (I did some beans and brown rice) and also a purple, which is not shown here. I had half an apple. So all in all I got

Day 24 and 25 of 80 Day Obsession

I missed a day of posting here! I didn't miss any workouts, though. We finished up two more phase one workouts, which were AAA on Thursday and Legs today. Legs was tough with doing 15 reps per side and heavier weights. I'm a little scared to see what Autumn has in store for us next week! Here are some moves from AAA: And here's the first set of Legs from today: One more workout tomorrow to finish up phase one! Here we have some food from today. This is missing one more snack of carrots, hummus and grapes. I'm still really enjoying the food. Of course there are some not-so-good-for-you things that I miss, but the plan really offers quite a bit of variety and freedom to make it work for you. I did my superfood shake as a pre-workout today. Yum! Autumn encourages us to be a badass with a great ass! I'm working on it! Thanks for visiting! Contact me if you want to find out more about the workouts I do, the nutrition plan I follow or the shak

Day 23 of 80 Day Obsession

Another workout down! Phase one Cardio Core is done for good. I did become stronger during these first four weeks, and while the standing mountain climbers are still hard, I made it through! I did feel good this morning and seemed to have a little extra dose of energy. Here are some snippets of the core sequence that happens at the end of all the cardio moves. I enjoyed my meals today! This doesn't include my pre-workout shake. Dinner happened a little late, but all the other meals were spaced out quite well for timed nutrition. Here I am with the evil sliders! Can't wait to see what phase two Cardio Core will have in store. Thanks for visiting! Contact me if you want to find out more about the workouts I do, the nutrition plan I follow or the shakes and workout fuel I drink! Please check out my link here:  Learn more  

Day 22 of 80 Day Obsession

Let's start with food today! I found myself thinking about food all day today, and I was hungry! This despite bumping myself up to food bracket B this week. I started out at A, where the weight loss formula put me. I have lost a few pounds, and when we re-calculate at the end of phase one, this will put me into bracket C for maintenance. Since I was starting to feel quite hungry a lot, I decided to place myself into B for this week, for transition and to help with my energy. It's been good, but I'm looking forward to being in C next week! Below is my lunch for today. Being in bracket B now, I was able to add some chickpeas to fill a yellow container. Delicious! The chicken was leftover buffalo chicken from the Super Bowl. Lunch For dinner, we had a Hello Fresh meal, which was tilapia fish tacos. Really yummy! I used corn tortillas for mine and left off the crema the recipe called for, but added some broccoli instead. This made for a very nice, fresh meal. Hell

Day 21 of 80 Day Obsession

Week four is kicked off! This week we are doing all the Phase One workouts for a final time. Today was Total Body Core, at about 60 minutes, and we went back to doing 15 reps, repeating each round right away. This was surprisingly hard at times, using the same weights and loops as last week for the various moves. Adding on just five reps really makes a difference. I didn't take any food pictures today, but I'm still having the sweet potato, mushrooms or spinach and two eggs a lot for my post workout meal. For pre-workout. I have my nutrition shake with almond milk and half a banana, and then the Energize workout fuel. Both give me lots of energy for the workouts! We'll have more of the turkey chili for dinner tonight, which covers a red, a green and a yellow container (because of the beans in there). Due to the lack of food pictures today, here's one of these two cuties: Okay, tomorrow we have the Phase One Booty workout for the last time! Our "safe wor

Day 20 of 80 Day Obsession

I'm behind! But I am still on track with my workouts and nutrition and finished out my week three with day 20, which was Cardio Flow. If you remember, that's that pyramid style workout where a move is added on each round. Each move is repeated four times in phase one - next phase we'll move up to six repetitions, ugh! My son filmed my final round this time, so prepare yourself and avoid the whiplash! But below you'll see that week three and day 20 are now checked off! From now on we aren't counting Sundays anymore for some reason, so Monday will be day 21 and the last week of phase 1. Back to two rounds of 15 reps we go! On Saturday night, I had the chicken taco filling from the Fixate cookbook again, with some Brussel sprouts on the side. I'm one of those apparently rare people who actually like Brussel sprouts! So this was a nice combo for me. Today was Super Bowl Sunday, of course, so I made the turkey chili from the same cookbook, which

Day 19 of 80 Day Obsession

Week 3 is nearing its end! Today was leg day again, with the same change-up we've seen all week, where we repeat each set of exercises three times and then move on to the next set. This made for a  more intense leg workout than last week, in my opinion. Of course we are encouraged to go heavier, too, so that's part of it as well. My silver weights here are 20s, and the one large weight I'm using for the sumo squats is a 45. I'm quite pleased with my progress so far! Round three of all of these was painful! On Fridays I work from home, which means I can get my workout in during my lunch break. It's a nice change from getting up at 4:45 a.m.! My pre-workout meal was sweet potato, spinach and two eggs scrambled in some ghee. So delicious! This was a snack I had this afternoon in place of my usual carrots and hummus. A nice change - this was tomatoes and feta, in case you can't tell. And finally, I had to capture a booty pose, because how else am I

Day 18 of 80 Day Obession

We are nearing the end of week 3! I was dragging this morning... The alarm went off at 4:45 a.m. and I had one of those "Am I crazy? Why am I doing this to myself?" moments. I'm almost 50, why am I trying to be in the best shape of my life again?! Then I rolled out of bed, because that's what I do. Habit took over and that is a good thing! I had my superfood shake and my Energize "workout fuel" and felt better and (mostly) ready to go. Over the years I've found that in those moments you have to a) just tough it out and do it and b) remember your why and the big picture. Fitness is a journey with no real destination - you never really get there, you always have to keep going and challeng yourself. But your reward is better health, feeling better about yourself, stress relief, mobility, being able to run around with your kids, etc. etc. Today's workout was AAA (arms, abs and a$$, if you recall), which really is a great one for a day when you're