Days 32 and 33 of 80 Day Obsession

All right, week six is kicked off with Booty! This is a great workout to start out the week, because it's challenging and you really feel like you're working hard. But let's back up first! Friday was day 32, and it was time for Cardio Flow again, only with six reps of everything, over and over again, instead of four. It was a challenge last Friday, but I got it done. It didn't feel like my best performance, that's for sure, but sometimes you just have to buckle down and do it!

Some stretching was sorely needed and felt great after. Sunday was rest day and, as always, meal prep day. We smoked some proteins on the Traeger, which came out really delicious. Preparing for the week is so important so you don't get caught off guard and end up eating something crappy!

Ribs and chicken, green beans, sweet potatoes, brown rice

After that it was time for an Epsom salt bath. I'd never tried one before. It was relaxing for sure, but almost too much! It knocked me out.

Okay, and then today it was time for day 33, Booty day. Another hour-long workout, and we went to the 10-rep pattern for three rounds. It was quite hard, and I'm already a little scared of next Monday, when it's 10 reps back to back to back. But we get stronger every day, right?!

Here are some of the moves from today. We used loops and weights. In the still photo I'm swinging around a 35 lb weight like a kettle bell. I was pretty scared it would go flying! I should turn away from the TV next time.

So that makes us all caught up again. Day 33 in the books, and still going strong.

Thanks for visiting!

Contact me if you want to find out more about the workouts I do, the nutrition plan I follow or the shakes and workout fuel I drink! Please check out my link here: Learn more 


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