Day 80 of 80 Day Obsession!!!

It's done! I've made it to day 80! Woot woot! Actually, it really went by very fast, and I've had so much fun with this program. It was just right up my alley. So much, in fact, that I'm starting round 2 in a week after a week of different workouts! The last workout day was Booty from Phase 2, which was, aptly named, a butt kicker. I didn't remember how heavy we lifted in the earlier phases!

This last week gave us the option of doing carb cycling and adding in four deplete days in between our regularly scheduled meal plan days. I did okay with this until the fourth day, which became a bit challenging for me! I did have to have some rice that evening, I was getting shaky. But here is one of my somewhat random deplete day meals.

Okay, now let's get to the before and afters! I'm really, really happy with my results. I'm down 11 lbs since day 1, 2 inches in both my waist and my hips, 1.5 in my thighs. I feel so much stronger, both physically and mentally. This program works, people! I'm getting a booty for like the first time ever and my abs are starting to come out! This program was like a reset for me, to refocus and feel happy with myself. I highly recommend it 😊

Befores on the left, afters on the right!

Thank you all for following along! We are kicking off round two on April 23, if you want to join in!


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