Day 18 of 80 Day Obession

We are nearing the end of week 3! I was dragging this morning... The alarm went off at 4:45 a.m. and I had one of those "Am I crazy? Why am I doing this to myself?" moments. I'm almost 50, why am I trying to be in the best shape of my life again?! Then I rolled out of bed, because that's what I do. Habit took over and that is a good thing! I had my superfood shake and my Energize "workout fuel" and felt better and (mostly) ready to go.

Over the years I've found that in those moments you have to a) just tough it out and do it and b) remember your why and the big picture. Fitness is a journey with no real destination - you never really get there, you always have to keep going and challeng yourself. But your reward is better health, feeling better about yourself, stress relief, mobility, being able to run around with your kids, etc. etc.

Today's workout was AAA (arms, abs and a$$, if you recall), which really is a great one for a day when you're not quite feeling it. It moves at a slower pace overall, and you get to throw some heavier weights around. And afterwards you feel like a badass! So a win-win all around.

We repeated sets again, as we've done all week, and really tired those muscles out. This workout is 55 minutes long.

For lunch I had my red (chicken), green (salad) and teaspoon (oil-based dressing) again, which makes a tasty, easy, quick lunch for work. Dinner was more of the Fixate chicken tacos, which are delicious and a tad spicy. My husband enjoyed them, too!

My Challenge Group coach had warned us at the beginning of week 3 that third weeks have a tendency to be tougher ones, and he's right! That's where the Challenge Group is so awesome. I may be working out in my basement, but there are 100 virtual fitness buddies who will check on me if I don't check in with them! So I better get it done!

Thanks for visiting!

Contact me to if you want to find out more about the workouts I do, the nutrition plan I follow or the shakes and workout fuel I drink! Please check out my link here: Learn more 


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