Day 19 of 80 Day Obsession

Week 3 is nearing its end! Today was leg day again, with the same change-up we've seen all week, where we repeat each set of exercises three times and then move on to the next set. This made for a  more intense leg workout than last week, in my opinion. Of course we are encouraged to go heavier, too, so that's part of it as well.

My silver weights here are 20s, and the one large weight I'm using for the sumo squats is a 45. I'm quite pleased with my progress so far! Round three of all of these was painful!

On Fridays I work from home, which means I can get my workout in during my lunch break. It's a nice change from getting up at 4:45 a.m.! My pre-workout meal was sweet potato, spinach and two eggs scrambled in some ghee. So delicious!

This was a snack I had this afternoon in place of my usual carrots and hummus. A nice change - this was tomatoes and feta, in case you can't tell.

And finally, I had to capture a booty pose, because how else am I going to measure my progress these next nine or so weeks?! I just felt good today and proud of the workouts I got in this week and about sticking to the meal plan. Now comes the weekend, which is always a bit more of a challenge, but I'll just have to keep going one day at a time!

Thanks for visiting!

Contact me to if you want to find out more about the workouts I do, the nutrition plan I follow or the shakes and workout fuel I drink! Please check out my link here: Learn more 


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