Day 39 of 80 Day Obsession

Almost at the halfway point! Today is day 39 of 80 of 80 Day Obsession. And it was Booty day again, which is always a favorite. This week we move to repeating each small set of 10 reps three times. I like this pattern better than going through all sets and then repeating two more times. There's less up and down and switching of loops and weights. Booty is always a great workout, and I especially had a lot of fun in the new leggings my hubby got me!

Heart butt!

I went up in weights again today, which felt great. This workout was again 60 minutes long.

Yesterday was rest day and meal prep day, and Saturday had been Day 38 and Cardio Flow day. Just like last week, we did the six-rep pattern again. I felt a bit stronger than the week before, so that was nice!

I kept meal prep pretty simple, and prepared ground turkey taco meat, chicken and quinoa for salads. Oh, and some brownies for other members of the family!

Here's a snack from the weekend - another nice, filling salad.

It is hard to believe we are now almost halfway through. I will have to get a progress photo tomorrow. This program has been a very positive experience so far, from the wonderful online support through the challenge group and Autumn's exclusive coach group, to the timed nutrition meal plan. Being on maintenance now, it really feels sustainable and like something that I can incorporate for the long run.

Thanks for visiting!

Contact me if you want to find out more about the workouts I do, the nutrition plan I follow or the shakes and workout fuel I drink! Please check out my link here: Learn more


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