Day 36 of 80 Day Obsession

Day 36 was Leg Day, and post-refeed day! The idea of refeed day was to refill our sugar levels from eating some of these "dirty" carbs, and I did feel like I had more energy than usual for this leg day. It seems like a lot of people in the challenge group felt the same. We all went heavy and killed it!

I'm maxing out my weights here at 52 lbs for the sumo squat! This is maybe my favorite workout of Phase Two. It is a bit shorter at 40 minutes, and the way it combines the heavy weights and the sliders just really tires out the legs wonderfully. I think next week, when we move to the pattern where we repeat each set of moves three times in a row is going to be quite the challenge!

Here's the gang. I love working out with these people every day! You feel like you're part of the team.

This is my favorite lunch at the moment. Lettuce, a mix of brown rice and black beans for my "yellow", avocado, ground turkey with taco spices, a bit of dressing and half an apple. Filling and good for me!

Legs are done and toast! I feel like the way my body is changing with this program has slowed down a bit. Hopefully there are things happening underneath the surface, so to speak. But I'm feeling strong and energized, I'm sleeping well and don't get to tired in the afternoon anymore. Lots of non-scale victories!

Thanks for visiting!

Contact me if you want to find out more about the workouts I do, the nutrition plan I follow or the shakes and workout fuel I drink! Please check out my link here: Learn more 


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