Day 26 and 27 of 80 Day Obsession

Today kicked off Phase Two of 80 Day Obsession! I'm excited for all new workouts this week. Last week finished out Phase One with Cardio Flow on Saturday, and I did feel a bit stronger than the weeks before. Cardio Flow will stay with us through Phase Two, with six reps of everything instead of four.

But on to new things! The order of the workouts gets moved around as well, and so we started off the week today with Booty.

This new Booty workout definitely kicked it up a notch. It is 60 minutes long and employed bands and weights. The moves get a bit more complex and compound. It's a really fun workout that will make your buns burn! Today was two sets all the way through with 15 reps again.

The other exciting thing that happened today is that I moved up a bracket to eat at level C going forward. Check out my nice lunch! I got to add a yellow (I did some beans and brown rice) and also a purple, which is not shown here. I had half an apple.

So all in all I got Phase Two kicked off successfully. I'm down 5 lbs from Phase One, I feel stronger and primed to build more muscle in Phase Two!

Thanks for visiting!

Contact me if you want to find out more about the workouts I do, the nutrition plan I follow or the shakes and workout fuel I drink! Please check out my link here: Learn more 


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