Day 22 of 80 Day Obsession

Let's start with food today! I found myself thinking about food all day today, and I was hungry! This despite bumping myself up to food bracket B this week. I started out at A, where the weight loss formula put me. I have lost a few pounds, and when we re-calculate at the end of phase one, this will put me into bracket C for maintenance. Since I was starting to feel quite hungry a lot, I decided to place myself into B for this week, for transition and to help with my energy. It's been good, but I'm looking forward to being in C next week! Below is my lunch for today. Being in bracket B now, I was able to add some chickpeas to fill a yellow container. Delicious! The chicken was leftover buffalo chicken from the Super Bowl.


For dinner, we had a Hello Fresh meal, which was tilapia fish tacos. Really yummy! I used corn tortillas for mine and left off the crema the recipe called for, but added some broccoli instead. This made for a very nice, fresh meal.

Hello Fresh dinner

Today was also our last time doing the phase one Booty workout. With 15 reps and repeating each set immediately, this one gave a huge burn today! Autumn and the cast were cracking up at the moaning and suffering noises they were making, and their hilarity helped me make it through my reps as well.

Many of the moves are small for this workout, but they really target specific muscles and hurt like hell after a while!

Booty in progress!

I'm going to try for an early bedtime tonight and hopefully will be a bit less hungry tomorrow!

Thanks for visiting!

Contact me to if you want to find out more about the workouts I do, the nutrition plan I follow or the shakes and workout fuel I drink! Please check out my link here: Learn more 


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