
Showing posts from January, 2018

Day 17 of 80 Day Obsession

This morning I had a lazy little coach watching over me. Today was Cardio Core. Only 30 minutes, but it's definitely not an easy workout! Below I have videos of two of the moves. Each set of cardio moves is followed by a core move, and at the end you do another round of all the core moves to really burn out those muscles! I don't know that I can say that this one has gotten easier yet, but it's always a good sweat and goes by fast. Today we went out for lunch at work to an Indian restaurant with a buffet. I saved my yellow/red/green meal for this (carbs, protein, veggies), and while I don't really know how the items I chose were prepared, I think I made good choices, staying away from any creamy sauces, while flour and desert. It was really yummy and nice to get some different flavors. This was day 17! We are more than halfway through week 3. And here is the sweaty selfie of the day: Thanks for visiting! Contact me to if you want to find out

Day 16 of 80 Day Obsession

We have made it to another Booty day! I had a really hard time getting out of bed this morning, but my pre-workout fuel drink got me going, and once I was in my basement, I was ready to hit play. This was our third time doing the Booty workout, which uses loops only. It's 55 minutes long. Just like yesterday, we repeated each set of three exercises three times, which got really painful real fast for this workout! The video below shows the first set, which is all bridge work. And it includes a little visit by my dog/trainer who likes to come check on me. My son was allowed to go back to school today, but he still has to be on a special diet. So it is nice for me to have my prepped dinners ready to go quickly in the evening for me and the hubby. Tonight was baked salmon, brown rice and broccoli - enough to fill my red, yellow and green containers that I had left for the day. I do get to eat a good amount of food on this plan! That's all for today! Tomorrow it's ca

Day 15 of 80 Day Obsession

Today is Monday, which makes this day 15 of this 80 day journey. Yesterday was a rest day, and also a day of stretching and meal prep. There was a new stretching video available for us, and it was nice and to the point at 15 minutes. For meal prep, I tried two recipes from the Fixate cookbook, which is also included in the Beachbody On Demand access. Such a great value! You have access to lots of healthy, easy fix-friendly recipes. All the ones that work for 80 Day Obsession are noted. These two turned out really good! They even have cooking videos you can watch, or you can just read the recipes. One Pot Sausage and Bean Soup Chicken taco filling - yumm! Today's Monday workout was Total Body Core again, which is a favorite of mine. To mix it up yet again, we repeated each set of three exercises three times (ten reps again) instead of going through all sets first and then repeating. This really tired out the muscles targeted in each set. I really liked this set-up. Thi

Day 13 of 80 Day Obsession

Saturdays mean Cardio Flow. Saturdays will ALWAYS mean Cardio Flow! Autumn told us last week that we will do this workout on Saturdays throughout the program. Right now we are doing each move for 4 reps, phase 2 will be 6 reps and phase 3 will be 8 reps. So this should be a great baseline to measure our progress against, hopefully! I did a little video of the final round today. This round contains all the moves, and at the end I was exhausted. The workout builds pyramid-style, in that you do move 1, then 1 and 2, then 1, 2, 3, etc. You get the idea 😄 Luckily this means that those mule kicks/frog hops at the end only happen three times! A good stretch was definitely needed after I've still been keeping the food relatively simple to fill the food containers. My dinner this evening was asparagus and some salmon and chicken for the red/protein. I was home again today, off from work, and so I had a later pre-workout meal again, which I mixed up a bit with some rice and mush

Day 12 of 80 Day Obsession

Another Thursday, another leg day! Yay, said no one ever? I guess I don't hate leg day, I just have a love-hate relationship with it. It really sometimes can feel close to torture during, but after you feel so good - until you sit for a while and then have to get up! Believe me, there were plenty of wobbly ones! We had the same moves as last week, but like with all workouts this week, we went to three rounds instead of two with 10 reps instead of 15. Again, this allowed us to go quite a bit heavier on weights. The move above is the only one that doesn't use weights. It's kinda tough to balance when your  heart is pounding out of your chest! This week the workout is 50 minutes long. Here are a couple of other moves: I stayed at home again today to look after my little patient, so I was able to do my workout a little later in the morning, which is nice. I'm still really motivated and excited to do my workouts every day. I haven't grown tired of the fo

Day 11 of 80 Day Obsession

Let's start with food today! The timed nutrition plan definitely requires planning and prepping, but it does also provide flexibility to move your legs around during your day. Today I was not at work, but stayed home with my son since he had the surgery yesterday. I was still able to follow the plan and just ate my meals at somewhat different times during the day. It definitely helps if you have grab-and-go type stuff prepped in your bridge. The salmon dish below is great for dinner and really quick and easy to make under the broiler in about 15 minutes. Just toss a bunch of veggies around your salmon and drizzle a bit of olive oil over them! Today's pre-workout meal was also my late breakfast: sweet potatoes, spinach and a couple of eggs scrambled, all cooked in some ghee. Today's workout was AAA (arms, abs, and you remember!) We of course switched to the three rounds with 10 reps and challenged ourselves with heavier weights and loops. This workout is well p

Day 10 of 80 Day Obsession

I can't believe we've already reached day 10. It's gone by quickly so far! Today has been a long day. My little dude had to have surgery today, and I was up at 4 a.m., and we all got to the hospital by 5:30 a.m. So needless to say, no morning workout happened today! Thankfully the surgery went very well, and the little patient is now at home resting. I draw a lot of strength from his little guy, just observing how he takes on the world. He is brave and a little trooper, and takes life one day at a time. I'm grateful to our wonderful surgeon and his team. I am proud of myself for still getting in my workout this afternoon. It really helps, for me at least, when I commit to a program like 80 Day Obsession and to a challenge group - the workout has to get done! Today was Cardio Core again, which really gets the heart rate up and then burns out the core with a mix of slider movements at the end. I did not take any video today, so you just have to take my word and

Day 9 of 80 Day Obsession

A short post from me today! Day 9 of 80 Day Obsession is in the books. We had our booty day again, this time with only 10 reps per move but three rounds. This definitely ups the burn. The booty workout uses only bands, no weights. We went up in band strength from last week due to having to do fewer reps. This workout really targets ALL the butt muscles from ALL angles! It seems to be getting a little easier for me to get up earlier in the morning, but I'm still getting tired in the evenings. It's hard to get enough sleep during the week. Also, can I just say how much I love the "life filming" aspect of these workouts. It makes it so much fun, and you feel like you're part of their little group, bloopers and all. Today I changed my meal plan a bit, substituting "Meal 1" for the full pre-workout meal, which is an option allowed in the plan. This then allows me to have a larger meal later in the day (dinner!) which I think will work better for me o

Day 8 of 80 Day Obsession

And we're back to Monday! This means going back to the workouts from last week, but with a new format. Whereas last week we did two rounds with 15 reps per exercise, today we did three rounds with 10 reps. This also meant going up in weights and loop strength wherever possible in todays Total Body Core. Below are three moves from today. The workout moves pretty fast, and all these exercises definitely work the core and start to burn! There are a few balancing moves as well, similar to the second one you see above, that will likely challenge you. I did feel a bit stronger than a week ago, and I also feel like I'm getting better at using the loops. I will probably regret saying that! Overall I'm still a bit more tired than usual and will try for another early bed time tonight. I think last night I got less than six hours, and I'm feeling it! I had another good day with the meal plan. That said, I will switch it around a bit tomorrow. With me working out so early

Day 7 of 80 Day Obsession - Rest Day!

Today, Sunday, was a rest day from the workouts. And I needed it! I definitely had a few sore spots. The program had a little foam rolling and stretching video for us, so I checked that out. I've had my foam roller for a while, but have not used it much at all. I learned that I really should be using it! Foam rolling feels good in a masochistic sort of way 😊 Hopefully my muscles will be thanking me tomorrow, when we start all over again with week 2. Rolling away. Ouch! So Sundays are the day for meal prep as well. We did all our shopping yesterday, and today I prepared some foods such as sweet potatoes (a great "yellow" or carb for this plan) and a baked sheet pan dish with tons of veggies and some chicken sausage for protein. We actually tried that one for dinner already, and it was very good. It was a cold, snowy day here today, so it was fun to cook and meal prep. I'm excited about week two at this point. I think we'll be stepping up the weight

Day 6 of 80 Day Obsession

As I'm writing this I'm sitting next to a pizza 😋 Luckily I'm not a big fan of pepperoni pizza. I will have my final meal of the day (protein and veggies) in a bit. Our day started late with our first meal being a late breakfast at Village Inn. I chose from the a la carte menu and was able to stick to the meal plan, by making this my pre-workout meal. My breakfast - stuck to the plan, and it was tasty! I wish they had some more veggie options. I could have probably asked for green peppers or mushrooms. My son's blueberry pancakes. They did look very yummy! But not ready to succumb in week one. Today is day 6, which means it's also the last new workout of the week. This one was Cardio Flow, and I expected some sort of yoga with cardio, but that couldn't have been further from the truth! It was 30 heart-pumping minutes, which included the moves shown below, plus many more. They built on each other: you did one move for four reps, then added on a second

Day 5 of 80 Day Obsession

We are nearing the end of the first week! Today was the dreaded leg day. It wasn't too bad, but I have a feeling these leg days will get harder. You're always trying to get the weights right on the first run-through, too. I think I could have gone a little higher on some moves. We did two rounds again, with 15 reps of each exercise, and I did up my weights on some of the moves in the second round. As the picture below shows, I was sweaty and frazzled once it was all over! I burnt 340 calories in 45 minutes, which is actually very good for me. Day 5! Attempting to slay leg day. After my early morning workout, the day got quite busy for me. While the meal plan tells you when to eat and what types of food at one time, it does give the flexibility of moving meals around within your day, which was very helpful today. I had what's usually my dinner combo for lunch (went out to a Thai place with co-workers and had a stir-fry without the rice), and now for dinner I have a re

Day 4 of 80 Day Obsession

And we've reached day four, which is AAA. What does that mean? It's a full-body workout for your A(rms), A(bs) and A(ss) 😋 The workout delivers on all accounts. It's two rounds again which 15 reps per exercise, and this workout clocked in right at 50 minutes. This workout moves slower overall, because you go slow on one part of the move for a three-count (e.g. down in the pushup, up with the weights in the hammer curl) and then faster on the second part of the move. Here are some examples! The second move is called a frog slider or something similar frog-related and really works the abs. I tried something a little different for my post-workout meal today. I'm supposed to have a yellow (carb), red (protein), green (vegetable), purple (fruit) and a teaspoon (fat). I always have a half a banana for the fruit. For the remainder, I cooked up some mushrooms and green onion in ghee and then added millet I had already cooked and scrambled two eggs into it. Yummy and fil

Day 3 of 80 Day Obsession

Day 3 is cardioooooo! Are you like me and you dread those cardio days a bit? I certainly do, but I also knew this workout was "only" 40 minutes, so I figured I'll make it through. Autumn Calabrese, the trainer, is very encouraging in this one (as in every workout, really), and she makes it fun. It also helps to see her fit cast struggle at least a little bit! Cardio with sliders = evil genius This workout breaks out the sliders. You can use these on hardwood floors with a cover or without the cover on carpet. We did 3 minutes of cardio (30 seconds lower impact, 30 seconds HIIT, repeat, repeat) and then an ab interval with the sliders. Man, those things make your abs burn! Autumn then topped it off with an all-out ab round at the very end. This workout worked up a great sweat and I felt so good afterwards! Workout all done by 6:30 a.m. again before anyone else was up. Here is a sampling of some of the moves (now that I've figured out how to share video bet

Day 2 of 80 Day Obsession

Today's workout was all about the booty! We used bands only, no weights or sliders. Those bands are sneaky little devils and will make your glutes burn! This workout was again 60 minutes long, two rounds, with 15 reps per exercise. Below are two of the moves/sequences that made me hurt the most. You stay on this side for a while with this one before flipping over. Clams and leg pushes follow the move above. All ouch! Balance and booty burn. All the Bs! My workout happened right at 5:30 a.m. as planned. I had my pre-workout shake and workout fuel and was ready to go! I really like the format of the "live" workouts. You feel like you're right there with Autumn and the gang, and they are all very likeable and engaging. There's no countdown clock and no music, however, but you can stream a playlist from Spotify (which I haven't tried). Today in the Challenge Group we were asked who inspires us to get fit and healthy. Here is my answer: "My bigge

Day 1 of 80 Day Obsession

Day one of 80 Day Obsession is in the books! Today kicked off the Challenge Group, and all 100+ of us got in on the action and completed workout one, which was the very aptly titled Total Body Core. This workout is about 60 minutes long, which will take some getting used to for me, after doing lots of 30-40 minute workouts! It was two rounds, with many of different exercises, each with 15 reps. We worked the core with almost every move, but also arms, butt and legs. I worked up a good sweat! Below are two of the real core centric moves. The first one had me wobbling back and forth - it definitely takes all the core strength to hold you up! The second one had you pulling the arms down and back a bit. Lots of great creative moves. And here are some of my snacks, shakes and workout fuel for the day. On point for day one with the whole timed nutrition so far! It was nice to be able to ease into it today with having to work only half a day. Tomorrow's workout is going