Day 6 of 80 Day Obsession

As I'm writing this I'm sitting next to a pizza 😋 Luckily I'm not a big fan of pepperoni pizza. I will have my final meal of the day (protein and veggies) in a bit. Our day started late with our first meal being a late breakfast at Village Inn. I chose from the a la carte menu and was able to stick to the meal plan, by making this my pre-workout meal.
My breakfast - stuck to the plan, and it was tasty! I wish they had some more veggie options. I could have probably asked for green peppers or mushrooms.

My son's blueberry pancakes. They did look very yummy! But not ready to succumb in week one.

Today is day 6, which means it's also the last new workout of the week. This one was Cardio Flow, and I expected some sort of yoga with cardio, but that couldn't have been further from the truth! It was 30 heart-pumping minutes, which included the moves shown below, plus many more. They built on each other: you did one move for four reps, then added on a second, then do moves one and two again, added on a third, and keep going until you have 10 moves total. Then two more rounds of all of it combined. The hardest for me is the mule kick. I just can't get the hang time! Oh well, something to work on.

My son and I did the grocery shopping today after the workout, and tomorrow will be meal prep day again. I'll try some new things for week two. There's also a stretching and foam rolling workout available to us through 80 Day Obsession, which I will definitely check out.

I'm glad week one went to well, but I fully expect things to get more challenging in the next 70+ days. I'm glad I have my challenge group to check into daily and to keep me accountable and support me.


Thanks for visiting!

Contact me to if you want to find out more about the workouts I do or the supplements I use,
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