Day 2 of 80 Day Obsession

Today's workout was all about the booty! We used bands only, no weights or sliders. Those bands are sneaky little devils and will make your glutes burn! This workout was again 60 minutes long, two rounds, with 15 reps per exercise. Below are two of the moves/sequences that made me hurt the most.

You stay on this side for a while with this one before flipping over. Clams and leg pushes follow the move above. All ouch!

Balance and booty burn. All the Bs!

My workout happened right at 5:30 a.m. as planned. I had my pre-workout shake and workout fuel and was ready to go! I really like the format of the "live" workouts. You feel like you're right there with Autumn and the gang, and they are all very likeable and engaging. There's no countdown clock and no music, however, but you can stream a playlist from Spotify (which I haven't tried).

Today in the Challenge Group we were asked who inspires us to get fit and healthy. Here is my answer: "My biggest inspirations are my husband, who is always in my corner and cheers me on, and my 8-year old, who is the biggest trouper I know. Also insecure teenage me, who never thought she was an athlete. On a daily basis there are many others, including my FB fit fam, my marathon running little sister and my parents, who are in their 70s and still go to the gym and stay fit and healthy."

The meal planning and following the meal plan is going well so far. This will definitely be the bigger challenge for me going forward! If you ever want to follow a nutrition plan like this, make sure you have lots of storage containers and a giant lunch and snack bag. It will make your life to much easier! I got the one below at Target a while ago, and it's seen better days, but it's just perfect for me.

And finally, a couple of my larger meals today. I'm not going to lie, I got a bit hungry today, but now that I've had my dinner, I feel much better. After Phase 1, the nutritional needs are recalculated, so maybe I'll get to step up a meal plan bracket then.

So far so good! Tomorrow is cardio day (eeek!) so make sure you check back in for some sweaty pics!

Thanks for visiting!

Contact me to if you want to find out more about the workouts I do or the supplements I use,
or check out my link here: Learn more 


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