Day 15 of 80 Day Obsession

Today is Monday, which makes this day 15 of this 80 day journey. Yesterday was a rest day, and also a day of stretching and meal prep. There was a new stretching video available for us, and it was nice and to the point at 15 minutes.

For meal prep, I tried two recipes from the Fixate cookbook, which is also included in the Beachbody On Demand access. Such a great value! You have access to lots of healthy, easy fix-friendly recipes. All the ones that work for 80 Day Obsession are noted. These two turned out really good! They even have cooking videos you can watch, or you can just read the recipes.

One Pot Sausage and Bean Soup

Chicken taco filling - yumm!

Today's Monday workout was Total Body Core again, which is a favorite of mine. To mix it up yet again, we repeated each set of three exercises three times (ten reps again) instead of going through all sets first and then repeating. This really tired out the muscles targeted in each set. I really liked this set-up. This workout was 60 minutes long. Below is the first set! Moved up to 15 lbs on the first move.

And finally, here are my lunch and dinner for today. You'll recognize the dinner as the taco dish above. Lunch was really simple with a salad with a bit of oil-based dressing (green and orange containers) and salmon for the red container. But I may need to give my coworkers a break from the salmon tomorrow 😀

I felt great today for a Monday! The workouts switching up a week is perfect for me. Usually week three or four is when I get the itch to switch to some other workout program, but not with this one. It's pretty genius really!

Thanks for visiting!

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