Day 10 of 80 Day Obsession

I can't believe we've already reached day 10. It's gone by quickly so far! Today has been a long day. My little dude had to have surgery today, and I was up at 4 a.m., and we all got to the hospital by 5:30 a.m. So needless to say, no morning workout happened today! Thankfully the surgery went very well, and the little patient is now at home resting.

I draw a lot of strength from his little guy, just observing how he takes on the world. He is brave and a little trooper, and takes life one day at a time. I'm grateful to our wonderful surgeon and his team.

I am proud of myself for still getting in my workout this afternoon. It really helps, for me at least, when I commit to a program like 80 Day Obsession and to a challenge group - the workout has to get done! Today was Cardio Core again, which really gets the heart rate up and then burns out the core with a mix of slider movements at the end. I did not take any video today, so you just have to take my word and envision it or go back to last week 😀

I brought my food containers to the hospital today to stay on plan. Here's me snacking in the recovery room. Okay, I may have also brought in one mini size dark chocolate KitKat that I found leftover from Halloween. For my nerves today!

I kept the snacks simple today.

I'm glad day 10 is done, and I'm looking forward to finishing out the rest of the week. I hope we can manage little guy's pain well and that he starts feeling better soon.

Tired but grateful

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