Day 5 of 80 Day Obsession

We are nearing the end of the first week! Today was the dreaded leg day. It wasn't too bad, but I have a feeling these leg days will get harder. You're always trying to get the weights right on the first run-through, too. I think I could have gone a little higher on some moves. We did two rounds again, with 15 reps of each exercise, and I did up my weights on some of the moves in the second round. As the picture below shows, I was sweaty and frazzled once it was all over! I burnt 340 calories in 45 minutes, which is actually very good for me.

Day 5! Attempting to slay leg day.

After my early morning workout, the day got quite busy for me. While the meal plan tells you when to eat and what types of food at one time, it does give the flexibility of moving meals around within your day, which was very helpful today. I had what's usually my dinner combo for lunch (went out to a Thai place with co-workers and had a stir-fry without the rice), and now for dinner I have a red (protein) and a purple (fruit) left, which is a little different, but I'll make it work!

So back to the workout - its always great to work the legs, and Autumn and her crew were very motivating again. This workout had some traditional moves like squats, lunges, sumo squats with weights, but also some creative ones that were new to me, like that Buddha kneel-down you see below. That one got hard fast! No bands or sliders today at all.

Thanks for visiting!

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