Day 1 of 80 Day Obsession

Day one of 80 Day Obsession is in the books! Today kicked off the Challenge Group, and all 100+ of us got in on the action and completed workout one, which was the very aptly titled Total Body Core. This workout is about 60 minutes long, which will take some getting used to for me, after doing lots of 30-40 minute workouts! It was two rounds, with many of different exercises, each with 15 reps. We worked the core with almost every move, but also arms, butt and legs. I worked up a good sweat!

Below are two of the real core centric moves. The first one had me wobbling back and forth - it definitely takes all the core strength to hold you up! The second one had you pulling the arms down and back a bit. Lots of great creative moves.

And here are some of my snacks, shakes and workout fuel for the day. On point for day one with the whole timed nutrition so far! It was nice to be able to ease into it today with having to work only half a day. Tomorrow's workout is going to have to happen at 530 a.m., though!

All right, one down, 89 to go 😅 We've got this, people!

Thanks for visiting!

Contact me to if you want to find out more about the workouts I do or the supplements I use,
or check out my link here: Learn more 


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