
Showing posts from March, 2018

Day 61 of 80 Day Obsession

How did it get to be day 61 already? Time is flying by! Thinks are also quite busy at work, so I've been slacking on getting my posts in here. We are in week two of Phase 3, which means we are back to doing 10 reps of each move for three total rounds. Today was Cardio Core, which I really enjoy, but prior to getting started it was time for some stretching. I woke up with my lower back quite tender, so I did a 10-minute yoga for the lower back practice, which is available through the streaming workouts as well at no additional charge. It was really helpful! Here are some of the poses. Yesterday, day 60, was Total Body Core. That one is also a great workout that seems to hit every part of your body. In fact, I've been quite sore again with the start of Phase 3! Nutrition is still going well, too, and I really feel like this is getting to be a habit and a sustainable lifestyle, for the most part. I do expect to have a few more cheats once these 80 days are over,

Day 56 of 80 Day Obsession

It's been a busy week! Time to catch up. I had to do some traveling for business today, so I got behind on updating the blog. And we had all new workouts this week for the start of Phase 3! I have to say, I love Phase 3 so far. The first week was 15 reps again of each move, for three rounds. My travels took me to Chicago, which is always a beautiful place to fly into. I moved one workout around to do it earlier in the week on the road. I brought my sliders and loops and was ready to go! With the streaming and downloadable workouts, you're ready to get your sweat on anywhere. Nutrition was pretty good on the road as well, even though I couldn't stick to my schedule quite as well as normal. I ate quite a few salads! I had also brought my superfood shake and pre-workout fuel, along with some apples and bananas, to keep me going. The workouts this week were all really awesome and challenging. I'll write about them in more detail next week. Today was booty day, a

Day 50 of 80 Day Obsession

I've been slacking! Not on my workouts or nutrition, mind you, but obviously on my posts here. It's just been quite busy with work and life, but here we go - we've reached day 50 of 80! Day 50 was also the last day of phase 2, with phase 3 officially kicking off on Monday. The last workout of phase 2 was another round of Cardio Flow, also knows as Cardio Zoo, with 6 reps of each move. Here's the last, full round. My eating has still been good and mostly right on plan! Next week will be a bit more challenging, with a business trip coming up. My favorite lunch right now: lettuce, brown rice, chicken, avocado, a little dressing and a small apple. So good! Okay, now we're coming to the progress pics! With the end of phase 2 upon us, it was time to get out the phone and take some official progress pictures. I'm down 6 lbs since day one (more like 12 since last November, when I started following the prep nutrition plan), 2" in my waist, 1" i

Day 45 of 80 Day Obsession

We have reached the last week of Phase 2! Today was the last day doing this version of Booty. And today's motto was go big, or go home. Heavy weights! I think I actually started out a bit too heavy, and it really wore me out today. But I fought my way through it. This is my pre-workout shake every day. All the nutrients and vitamins I need. With all these colds and the flu going around, I'm counting on it to keep me healthy! Here you can watch me do (and struggle through) some of the moves today! Dinner today was delicious, too. Keeping it pretty simple, but it so hit the spot. I'm becoming quite the fan of sweet potatoes. They actually taste quite good just poked with a fork and microwaved for five minutes or so. I add them to my breakfast eggs as well. My son said I look a little tired there. It was a Monday morning, that's for sure! Sometimes it's not pretty, and you just do it and check it off the calendar. Thanks for vi

Day 44 of 80 Day Obsession

I fell behind! But week 7 of 80 Day Obsession is in the books. The week ended with Cardio Flow, as usual, and I had my little side kick there to keep me going. Afterwards it was time for some stretching. I always do the day 14 15-minute stretch video right after Cardio Flow, and it feels really nice after a week of workouts and after Cardio Flow especially. All other workouts were completed with the 10-rep pattern, repeated three times, which is my favorite workout version, I think. I had a little non-scale victory this week of being able to do 10 tricep pushups on my toes - they have always been my nemesis! Food has been mostly good this week. I did have a glass of wine at a dinner celebration this week, and man, it was good! They key going forward will be to keep it for special occasions like that. Lunch may still be my favorite meal of the day. Or breakfast. Or my shake, ha! As always, thank you for stopping by! We have one more week of Phase 2,