Day 56 of 80 Day Obsession

It's been a busy week! Time to catch up. I had to do some traveling for business today, so I got behind on updating the blog. And we had all new workouts this week for the start of Phase 3! I have to say, I love Phase 3 so far. The first week was 15 reps again of each move, for three rounds.

My travels took me to Chicago, which is always a beautiful place to fly into.

I moved one workout around to do it earlier in the week on the road. I brought my sliders and loops and was ready to go! With the streaming and downloadable workouts, you're ready to get your sweat on anywhere. Nutrition was pretty good on the road as well, even though I couldn't stick to my schedule quite as well as normal. I ate quite a few salads! I had also brought my superfood shake and pre-workout fuel, along with some apples and bananas, to keep me going.

The workouts this week were all really awesome and challenging. I'll write about them in more detail next week. Today was booty day, and man, I can feel the soreness coming on as I'm typing! These workouts have such fun and innovative moves, it just never gets boring. Here are some highlights from booty day.

It was a beautiful day here in Colorado as well, so we had to get outside a bit. Here we are on a walk with the doggies. It was a bit windy! And yes, I have a jacket on and he's in shorts and a t-shirt. This boy never gets cold! It's a battle every day, because all he wants to wear is shorts.

I'll leave you with a booty day picture!

Thanks for visiting!

Contact me if you want to find out more about the workouts I do, the nutrition plan I follow or the shakes and workout fuel I drink! Please check out my link here: Learn more


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