Day 61 of 80 Day Obsession

How did it get to be day 61 already? Time is flying by! Thinks are also quite busy at work, so I've been slacking on getting my posts in here. We are in week two of Phase 3, which means we are back to doing 10 reps of each move for three total rounds. Today was Cardio Core, which I really enjoy, but prior to getting started it was time for some stretching. I woke up with my lower back quite tender, so I did a 10-minute yoga for the lower back practice, which is available through the streaming workouts as well at no additional charge. It was really helpful! Here are some of the poses.

Yesterday, day 60, was Total Body Core. That one is also a great workout that seems to hit every part of your body. In fact, I've been quite sore again with the start of Phase 3!

Nutrition is still going well, too, and I really feel like this is getting to be a habit and a sustainable lifestyle, for the most part. I do expect to have a few more cheats once these 80 days are over, but I'm also learning that it really makes a difference to stick to the plan 100%!

Booty day again tomorrow, and with that we'll be wrapping up week ten. Woohoo!

Thanks for visiting!

Contact me if you want to find out more about the workouts I do, the nutrition plan I follow or the shakes and workout fuel I drink! Please check out my link here: Learn more


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