Day 44 of 80 Day Obsession

I fell behind! But week 7 of 80 Day Obsession is in the books. The week ended with Cardio Flow, as usual, and I had my little side kick there to keep me going.

Afterwards it was time for some stretching. I always do the day 14 15-minute stretch video right after Cardio Flow, and it feels really nice after a week of workouts and after Cardio Flow especially.

All other workouts were completed with the 10-rep pattern, repeated three times, which is my favorite workout version, I think. I had a little non-scale victory this week of being able to do 10 tricep pushups on my toes - they have always been my nemesis!

Food has been mostly good this week. I did have a glass of wine at a dinner celebration this week, and man, it was good! They key going forward will be to keep it for special occasions like that.

Lunch may still be my favorite meal of the day. Or breakfast. Or my shake, ha!

As always, thank you for stopping by! We have one more week of Phase 2, then it's on to all new workouts for Phase 3.

Thanks for visiting!

Contact me if you want to find out more about the workouts I do, the nutrition plan I follow or the shakes and workout fuel I drink! Please check out my link here: Learn more


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