Day 73 of 80 Day Obsession

Yikes, I've been such a slacker! Only posting-here-wise, not with my workouts and nutrition, though! I have to say, phase three here has been flying by, and now we are nearing the last week of 80 Day Obsession! Only one more workout to go tomorrow, and then the final week. And at this point, I'm totally planning to do this all over again.

One reason I've been so bad about posting is that March is really busy season for me at work. I had some work travel as well, but was still able to keep up with all my workouts by shifting some cardio days around and doing those in my hotel rooms. My apologies to anyone who may have roomed under me, hehe. Here's a breakfast I enjoyed while on the road.

Avocado toast and arugula salad, yumm!

In addition, spring sports are upon us and with that, flag football season. My son is having a blast, especially after they won their first game!

Let's hope the weather is as good tomorrow. Right now it's freezing, but it is supposed to warm up tomorrow. I've enjoyed some NSV (non-scale victories) as well, one of which is being able to do 10+ tricep pushups! They have always been so hard for me in the past.

I've lost a bit more weight in phase three as well, although my main focus right now is of course on building muscle. But these shorts are getting a bit loose in the waist. As long as the booty keeps getting musclier, I'm good with that! (Is musclier a word? Blogger doesn't like it!)

So I'm feeling good and pumped to be so close to being able to say, I completed this program! My plan right now is to take a week off with some other workouts, and then to start right over. I won't be as strict with my nutrition, but I feel like I've learned enough to still stick to it with some exceptions here and there.

Thanks for visiting!

Contact me if you want to find out more about the workouts I do, the nutrition plan I follow or the shakes and workout fuel I drink! Please check out my link here: Learn more


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